Misery, the patrimony of some cursed families.
The romance of dark and brooding castles, populated by lonely and single men, is punctuated by some mysterious, sighing thing that seems to pad down the corridors of their echoing, empty estates.
Manor Macabre Books is Input Output Enterprises' Gothic horror imprint, featuring titles and settings that mix the grotesque and the romantic.

The Dunstanmere Affair
A Kindle Vella Series
Something is wrong at Dunstanmere. Public records show the prominent and influential Dunstan family died out years ago. Yet, Amyas Dunstan is very much alive...and looking for a bride. Could the Dunstan's secret be tied to the property's lake? And what's behind reports of strange events at their country resort? Carlisle, Ceilidh Campbell and Danger Callahan investigate in The Dunstanmere Affair.