Graveyard Gambol
A Conceptual Anthology
Now Seeking Submissions
"This is the time of night when witches come out, when graveyards yawn open and the stench of hell seeps out. I could drink hot blood and do such terrible deeds that people would tremble even in the daylight." -Hamlet
Word Limit: 6,000 words
Compensation: flat $20 fee upon publication, plus a digital copy of the anthology.
Format: We will accept short-form fiction any way you want to write it. This can include poetry, flash fiction or short stories.
We're particularly interested in the subversion of form. We don't care about hard and fast rules, so don't worry too much about formatting. If you feel its good, chances are that shines through in the writing. And we want to read it.
Genre: Anything that's dark, creepy, weird and just a little off-kilter. We're open to genre fiction, particularly anything related to horror, speculative fiction, fantasy or weird fiction. But we're also interested in anything that twists or subverts these genres in some unexpected way.
Publishing Rights: We claim First North American Serial Rights for all accepted submissions. After publication, rights revert back to the author.
Submissions Close: September 1, 2021
Please note: All acceptance decisions will be made following the close of the submissions period.
The Guest House
The Wine Cellar
The Carriage House
The Servants' Quarters
The Attic
The Basement
The Kitchen
The Parlor
The Nursery
The Machine Shop
The Conservatory
The Library
The Drawing Room
The Dining Room
The Guest Room
The Master Bedroom
The Grounds
The Gate House
The Boat House
The Stables
The Hunting Lodge
The Arboretuem
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